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Become a member and for $3.99/mo. you’ll receive exclusive access to extended interviews, the Standing Stones blog, the Encounters sessions, and find answers to your most challenging questions. You'll also have access to exclusive offers and other faith-building resources.
Extended interviews.
You’ll find conversations with our Standing Stones guests extremely compelling and brimming with personal insight as they open up and share their extraordinary stories. While we do our best to edit our conversations, many seem like they’re only beginning just as we come to a conclusion of our broadcast. For those of you who would like to hear more, we’ll give you access to the unedited interviews to inspire you and encourage you as you confront your own challenges.
Standing Stones Blog.
On a continual basis, we will take time to reflect on the the issues raised during our Standing Stones conversations and share more in-depth thoughts through our blog posts. You’ll receive a biblical perspective on some of the most challenging issues confronting us as we journey through life in a broken world. We’ll cover topics like overcoming fear, dealing with anger and frustration, how to forgive or be forgiven, how to find rest in an ever-demanding world and the search for our true identity,
Encounter sessions.
Join us as we sit down with co-host and Pastor Mike Chaddick to unpack the biblical principles that are uncovered during our conversations with our Standing Stones guests. Perhaps you’re struggling with some of the same issues that have challenged our guests and would like to receive sound advice, anchored in the truths of the Bible. You’ll receive some practical tools to help you find firm footing and guide you as you continue in your own journey of faith.
Standing Stones Resources.
As a Standing Stones subscriber, you’ll receive access to all of our recommended personal journey resources. These resources have been hand-selected by us to provide you with some very practical tools to enable you to persevere and conquer your most difficult seasons of trial.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Get in touch.
We don’t want our podcast interviews to be one-way conversations so, in addition to being able to sit in on our podcast sessions, we want to provide you with the opportunity to ask us questions. If you would like to learn more about the Standing Stones Podcast or have any questions based on the topics raised in our interviews, feel free to send us an email message.
If you would like to become a subscriber to Standing Stones and receive extended interviews and extra faith-building content click on our Subscribe tab for more information.