You Matter: The Creator of the Universe Knows You By Name.

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and been overwhelmed by the sheer scale of it all? The millions of stars, the vast expanse of space—it’s humbling, even intimidating. I’ve found myself there, caught between the awe of it all and my own insignificance, asking the same question the psalmist asked: “What is man that You are mindful of him?” (Psalm 8:4). How could the God who crafted something so massive possibly care about someone like me?

And yet, the truth of Scripture is mind blowing: the Creator of the universe does care about you and me, not as a vague part of His creation but in a deeply personal and intentional way. He doesn’t just know about us; He knows us. He remembers us. We are part of His design, His family, and His heart.

When life can feel chaotic and heavy, I try to remind myself that the God who created the stars, the oceans, the mountains, and every living thing, also created you and me with the same care and precision. The same hands that shaped the heavens knit us together (Psalm 139:13).

I can remember during a particularly difficult season, I found myself questioning my worth. But as I read the words of Isaiah 40:26, something shifted: “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” If God knows every star by name, how much more does He know my name—and yours?

If God’s power could create the universe, is it not powerful enough to hold your life together? Think about it: He knows every hair on your head (Luke 12:7), collects your tears in a bottle (Psalm 56:8), and calls you by name (Isaiah 43:1). His care for you is not vague or distant—it’s intimate and specific.

Have you ever felt overlooked or insignificant? Remember this: You are part of God’s family, a child of the King. And like any loving father, He is mindful of you—not in passing, but with a deep, abiding love.

So how do you the find assurance that God sees you and cares about you?

For me, it starts by drawing close to Him. I’ve found that prayer, even in its simplest form, opens the door to intimacy with God. Pouring out your heart—even your doubts and frustrations—creates space for Him to respond with His presence and reassures you that He’s actually walking with you. Yes, you. Out of all His creations, He chooses to meet with you when you reach out to Him in prayer.

In the times when I’ve felt distant from God, I discovered that when I spend more time reading His word, inevitably a verse speaks directly to my heart. For me, Romans 8:38-39 has been one of those verses: “Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons… will be able to separate us from the love of God.” His love is personal, unshakable, and always present.

I’ve also learned to look for evidence of His hand in my daily life. Sometimes it’s subtle—a moment of unexpected kindness or a sense of peace that defies circumstances—but those moments remind me I am seen and cared for. Recently, a friend’s encouraging phone call came exactly when I needed it most. It wasn’t coincidence; it was God’s love at work.

Trusting His plan has been one of the hardest yet most freeing steps for me. In fact, for years I felt God asking me if I trusted Him. It was only recently that I realized that while I had answered yes to that question, I most definitely wasn’t living like I trusted Him. By finally letting go of my need to control every detail and surrendering my future to Him I’ve discovered  a peace that I can’t explain. It’s not that my challenges have disappeared, but knowing the Creator of the universe is also the Author and Finisher of my story has changed everything.

So, let me ask you a personal question. If God’s care for you is as important to Him as His design of the universe itself, how will you respond? Is He powerful enough to hold your life together? Loving enough to guide you through heartbreak and uncertainty? What would it look like to trust Him fully today?

Here’s what I hope you’ll take to heart: You are not forgotten. God, who created everything you see—and everything you don’t—has not overlooked you. His mindfulness of you isn’t casual or distant; it’s intimate and full of purpose.

When you feel small or unseen, remember this: the Creator of the stars calls you by name. He holds the universe in His hands and holds your heart with the same care. You are part of His masterpiece, loved beyond measure, and invited to walk with Him daily. Will you trust Him with your heart and future today? You matter to Him more than you can comprehend.


Discovering God’s Peace in the Chaos: Cultivating Calm in a Busy World.


Understanding The Holy Spirit: Living a Spirit-Filled Life.