A podcast that chronicles life’s journey.

Join us for real conversations with real people—their pursuit for meaning and purpose—and the stories of their life-altering encounters with God.

Meet Our Hosts

Mike Weisman

Mike Chaddick

Standing Stones interviews are hosted by Mike Weisman (Christian author, speaker & relationship advocate).

The Encounter Sessions are co-hosted by Mike Chaddick (pastor, teacher, author, & certified health coach) and Mike Weisman.

Together they share a passion for helping others live lives of purpose, meaning, peace and joy.

Mike Chaddick is presently the Senior Pastor at Image Church in San Juan Capistrano, California and has been in full-time ministry for almost 20 years. You can follow Pastor Mike’s teachings @ www.imagechurchoc.com or follow him on the church’s Facebook page—@imagechurchoc.

NOTE: While Standing Stones Stories is a passion project for us, we’ve decided to form Standing Stones as a legacy business for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Therefore we are a for-profit organization and while your financial support is very much appreciated, contributions are not tax-deductable.

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